Friday, May 24, 2013

Superhero Storage

Every time I finish any kind of container whether it is a glass jar or plastic box strawberries come in, I have a serious problem throwing them away. I think, "How can I use this?" Sometimes I part with them and sometimes I save them in the garage until I have a plan. Since the garage is my husband's domain, I select my junk treasures carefully. So after months of saving my Foldgers containers, I realized I had to come up with a plan.

Immediately, I knew I had to spray paint them. They would be great for corralling all my son's junk - I mean toys! So I chose a color that went with his superhero playroom. I swear by Rust-oleum - it is the best! I used Gloss - Brilliant Blue, perfect superhero color!

As I was waiting for the spray paint to dry, I started looking around for a superhero logo to put on the front. I searched my computer and then I remembered these coasters I bought in a Michael's $1 bin a while back. But I couldn't attach a coaster to the front. So I put them on my scanner and copied them in color to regular computer paper. I cut them out so they were the exact size of the beveled front of the Folders container.

Next I used Modge Podge to glue and seal the photo to the front of the container. I smoothed out the bubbles and let it dry.

I am so pleased with the results! They worked PERFECTLY on the shelves in my son's playroom. And they corralled all the puzzle pieces in each individual container.

Tell us how you recycle everyday items......

1 comment:

  1. Love these. I can use them in my spare room with a baseball themed pic. Thanks for sharing!
