Wednesday, June 26, 2013

50 Creative Ways to Entertain Your Youngster

I read somewhere that kids need to feel a sense of purpose and that they add value even at a young age. So, I am always trying to figure out little jobs for Kyle. How can I have him help me and feel a sense of responsibility? It takes effort to think this way and you have to relinquish control that things might not be exactly how you would do them but that is OK!!!! REALLY! 

"Kids spell love t-i-m-e." {John Crudele}

As I started writing down these items, the list grew to other creative ways to entertain your little one. What I ended up with is a list that I use to keep my child engaged, give him a sense of family and responsibility. OK and sometimes just enjoy being a kid. You only live once!
  1. Have them help clean windows with Windex and paper towels.
  2. Paint the walls of the tub mixing shaving cream and food coloring together in a muffin pan. When they are done, rinse off the walls with the shower sprayer -- cleaning done!
  3. Give them a pack of Post it's. It's amazing what they will do with the sticky paper! The best part? They can stick it on windows and walls -- no problem!
  4. Read books every night. No excuses!
  5. Draw on peelable fruit for lunches - such a cute surprise that brings a smile. Faces on bananas and oranges
  6. Let them play in the sink and wash dishes. 
  7. Banner coloring - The easels just don't seem big enough. Roll out that paper on the floor and give them a huge canvas. 
  8. Unpack groceries - I have Kyle help put away the snacks in his special place and stack the juices in the fridge. This keeps him busy and helps me out!
  9. Go on family bike rides
  10. Feed the birds - We have bird feeders that it is Kyle's job to fill. He loves feeding the birdies and it makes him more aware of wildlife right in our backyard. Let's face it, if he misses the feeder the birds will find it!
  11. Plant and water a garden. Then pick and eat the fruits of your labor together.
  12. Help with laundry - Put dirty clothes in the hamper, pour the soap in the washer, push the buttons, match socks, put their clothes away. 
  13. Make cards and mail them to grandparents.
  14. Paint outside with water - Paint brush, water and sidewalk = done
  15. Build something out of scrap wood (Papa gave us a whole bucket!)
  16. Use a water table but fill it with bubbles or sand.
  17. Paint rocks.
  18. Make a treasure map out of an old place mat.
  19. Give them a Lysol wipe and tell them to wash their car or bike. This on continues to deliver every time we are out in the garage.
  20. Give them the floor dust Swiffer and have them sweep the floor.
  21. Make a paper airplane.
  22. Go fishing.
  23. Play hide and seek.
  24. Have family movie night with popcorn made the old fashioned way. 
  25. Take a hike and collect treasures along the way (bring a bucket).
  26. Play in the rain and jump in puddles.
  27. Hammer preset nails in a 2x4 - supervision required and mini hammer suggested.
  28. Stock up on crafts at $1 store for a rainy day.
  29. Make a stepping stone for the garden. You can find kits at Michael's craft stores.
  30. Help put mini flags out in the yard for US holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day). Instills American pride!
  31. Give gifts for no reason to their friends. Regifting something that they really don't need, teaches them the art of giving. 
  32. Catch lightening bugs in a jar for a nightlight.
  33. Put repositionable wall stickers in their playroom or bedroom
  34. Make a special corner or place in the house for only them. We turned the playroom closet into the batcave!
  35. Make old fashioned Kool-aid pops and make them wait:)
  36. Give the sticker sheets and let them put stickers on you. My hubby is a good one for that!
  37. Make things out of boxes and duct tape. Kids have the greatest imaginations and if you need inspiration, search Pinterest. The possibilities are endless!   
  38. For the little girls, let them do mommy's hair then daddy's!
  39. Let them help u cook or bake. 
  40. Make racetracks out of yard sticks - only 75 cents at Home Depot!
  41. Spray weeds with this amazing organic weed killer found on Pinterest! HERE
  42. Have grandparents mail cards to your kids an unexpected sticker sheet or card in the mail works wonders and teaches them to appreciate old fashioned communication.
  43. Give them options and let them make choices.
  44. Together put glow stars on their ceiling.
  45. Pick a day or weekend when they can wear whatever they want. Let it go!
  46. Make a pillow pool and let them jump in it. 
  47. Play in the sprinkler.
  48. Make mud pies.
  49. Eat dessert before dinner.
  50. Have them set and clear the table.
  51. Always kiss/hug them goodbye and hello. Always.
How many on the list have you done? What are some other ideas you have? These aren't rocket science but we all need reminders to slow down and remember what is important. 


Relinquish control and have fun!

Linked up to these blogs today! 

Life With The Crust Cut Off


  1. This looks awesome!!! We would love it if you would link up at our linky party:
    Live every Wednesday to Sunday.
    Hosted by: Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life
    We hope to see you there!

    1. We never turn down a party! Thank you so much! We are in attendance.......
