Saturday, June 8, 2013

Thrift Store Find: Art Desk Revamp

Cathy and I love going to the thrift store because you never know what little treasures you will find. One particular day, Cathy and I went into the thrift store and it was unusually busy. So, we deviated from our normal route and went to the part of the store that we never find bargains. As soon as we start out, I see this dirty nasty art desk by Step 2. It had been outside and neglected and I couldn't tell if it had crayons, sticks or cigarette butts in the pencil holder -- ewwwww! The kicker was the price tag was $4.98!!!!! Ok these things never happen to me. I felt like I won the lotto.

I did look up a new one online and they seem to be around $75 -- SCORE!
Recently my kitchen table has turned into art central for Kyle's crafts. He will not stop drawing! So this was going to be a perfect solution. I could clean it up and spray paint it to match my decor, then we could all co-exist (and eat!).

First I took all the screws out and cleaned it with a hose, soapy water and a Magic Eraser. If you haven't used these before you are really missing out. They clean anything!!!! The mystery was solved....they were sticks and crayons in the pencil holder. the entire desk cleaned up very nicely and I waited till it all dried out completely.

I really wanted the colors I chose to match our decor and I really didn't want to buy any more spray paint. Then I realized I had to do turquoise and brown, so off to Home Depot we went. I swear by Rustoleum and I used Lagoon and Espresso in Satin. The key to spray painting plastic is to apply the spray paint evenly from 12 inches away and let it dry completely.

As if I didn't have enough luck, I took the desk light and removed the batteries to see if it would work. You guessed it!!! It really is the little things!

I was going to spray paint the wipe board with chalkboard spray paint then decided to leave well enough alone. The wipe board cleaned up nicely and will last longer than the chalkboard paint.

My guy is so excited and he has not stopped creating. Best of all he loves all the little compartments so he keeps all his art supplies in his desk now and off the kitchen table!!!!
 For under $15, I am super ecstatic with the results and more importantly -- so is Kyle!

~ Jenn

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